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Stress Management


In 1991, the World Health Organization named Stress as the most important health concern of industrialized countries.  Help yourself and your team become "stress hardy". Many careers are stress inducing. Learning how to relieve stress in the moment, as well as create long term stress reduction strategies, is imperative for health and productivity!  Science tells us stress causes or exacerbates everything we are suffering from! Many clients use our stress management sessions as a way to say "we care about you" to their staff.  As an employer, you will see a more motivated and renewed workforce. As an individual seeking wellness, you will learn how to take care of yourself and loved ones in our fast paced demanding world.



For over 15 years, Spirit Communications coaches have taught Stress Management. This wellness education can be delivered for large groups as a speaker event, or in a class for a half-day training workshop. We keep up to date on the latest research. We are dedicated to your well being. You will learn physical, mental, and emotional stress reduction techiniques--practical tried and true tools for identifying, reducing, and eliminating stress.



Stress Management Training

          It's What You Do with it that Counts

        Making the Differences Work at Work

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